Penguin 4.0 to Roll out Spammers within a Few Weeks

medialinkers penguin update

Everyone in the digital marketing niche is awaiting the release of the next Penguin update, also termed as the Penguin Real Time update. However, the webmasters have to wait for a little longer, as Gary Illyes, Google Webmaster Trends Analyst, gave a time frame of a “few more weeks” via Twitter. Even though an exact date is not shared by Google, experts predict the Penguin 4.0 to land within the first quarter of 2016.


The last Penguin update, Penguin 3.0 was rolled out more than a year ago, in Oct 2014 and affected only 1% of the US searches. It was later claimed to be a mere “refresh” to the Penguin update. A refresh adds more factors in the link spam algorithm, whereas an update just improves the overall algorithm. It works similar to the update for the most part, but is mainly used to track new spam metrics of a site that weren’t present at the time of the previous update. In other words, a refresh either demotes or promotes a site based on its link profile.


This has been a busy year for the Google updates so far, as recently Google has made changes to its core algorithm, incorporating Panda, another major update into its ranking algorithm.  How the Penguin 4.0 shapes up the search queries is something which will see over time. For now, we can only say that Google is tightening the noose around the spam linking methods to award only the quality work.


Stay tuned to Medialinkers SEo Services for more news on the Google Penguin Update.