Dealing with the WordPress Plug-in Problems

Dealing with the WordPress Plug-in Problems

WordPress is a great platform for building sites. It comes with a number of both paid and free plug-ins. However , you are required to do your research appropriately before using any plug-ins as some plug-ins also have a few loopholes to cause problems into a site. Even the popular plug-ins such as Gravity Forms can give some problems. This article presented by web design Kennesaw expert shares what to do when faced with a plug-in problem and to look at some alternatives.

  • If a problem comes with WooCommerce

A problem was faced by a person regarding WooCommerce. When asked what the problem was, when asked by the technical team about the nature of problem, they said that they were in the process of developing a membership with protected pages. The pages would display video and images, however, after the images and videos are downloaded, people are turning away from the site. They were also trying to spin the sites with different material.

The technical person told them that the issue was not coming from WooCommerce. There was some issue involved and by changing some settings in WooCommerce, they can sort the entire issue.  Our person advised to go for some alternative hosting which offers stronger protection to integrate it with the WooCommerce site’s templates. But most of the times, the person in trouble says that they can’t because they are at the end of the project and cannot afford to fix it just because the plug-in is giving some issue.

  • If a problem comes with OptinMonster

Another call was received where a person was annoyed about an issue with a plug-in named OptinMonster. He said that he was having some issues with OptinMonster. When questioned about what the issue was, he said that it was coming due to coding of sidebar ads on a mommy blog. They wanted people who weren’t subscribed to see the Optin widget but if they were already subscribed to see the ads.

Our technical team shared that the problem again was not with the OptinMonster. This is something which they are required to code in their site on their own. Using a conditional cookie, they can do it easily.  However, when advised to do it on their own, they said that they just wanted the OptinMonster to do it for them. Our guy also suggested hiring someone for writing the code for them, but they didn’t agree to it, saying that they already are done with the project and want to fix it. However, they cannot afford to make changes in the project as they are almost finished with it and cannot afford to invest more money into hiring someone for coding it.

  • Advice to Hiring Developers

Calls like these often come to our technical team and are quite common. However, according to Medialinkers web design experts, people are eager to hire people to help with their site, providing them all the features they want.

However, most of the time, they don’t know what they are doing or have knowledge about the plug-ins they use. This is why; you need to make them go through some steps, such as do you want to do this already? Do you want to know which plug-ins you have used and have you used them to get the desired effect. This is it. You need to listen to their answers and do not have to be technical to identify, if the person on the other end of the phone is telling you the truth or not.

You can also hire Medialinkers web developers to solve the pending work at an affordable rate or right at the start of the project to make sure you do not get these issues at all.