9 Points to Check When Optimizing a Page/Post for SEO


For many people Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is like a never ending puzzle. SEO is a misunderstood concept for a lot of people. It has basic guidelines similar to other fields which you can follow to gain an increase in your website’s traffic. Though not everything is discussed in this article, but it shares the basic checklist you need to follow when optimizing a web page or a blog post from SEO perspective. Here is what the Medialinkers SEO professionals share with you:


Selecting the Right Keywords

Keyword selection is the first and most important step for a successful SEO campaign. For example, if you are writing about the web design, you need to find keywords regarding web design. Easiest way for doing this is to use Google Keyword Planner to find the most searched keywords and their variations. If a keyword such as “web design atlanta” receives 1300 searches, then you can shortlist it. However, you still need to do some research before finalizing the keyword.


Researching Competition

After shortlisting the first set of keywords, you can search for the keywords in private browsing mode on Google.com to get the competitors results. Private browsing block the personal search results which can otherwise influence the search listings to give an accurate picture of the competition from a neutral perspective.

Check out the page one content on Google, ignoring the ad results and see the missing links of your competitors to do better than them. If not, drop the keyword and move onto next best keyword.


Generate the Best Content

After you have the keyword list, an overview of your competition, you need to produce content that is the best in the entire industry. This may be the most difficult part but it is also the most important. Content needs to be amazing.


Whether you are creating a blog post, a landing page or an eCommerce store page, it has to be better than the rest, otherwise both Google and your audience will simply ignore it. Research thoroughly and put in all the different points you can in one place which the other articles and web pages are missing to stand out from the rest.


Put Keyword in Page Title

This is as simple as it sounds. Just place your keyword in the page’s title. However, make the title interesting and clickable for the audience. For example when choosing a title for a post about “great web design tips,” it is better to title it as “10 tips to building great web designs,” instead of just titling it as “great web design tips.”


Put Keyword in Header

Organize the web pages by a title and then several headings throughout the page. This would help readers to skim through the post and grab the important points. It will also guide Google in knowing about your blog post. Also, try to use an exact keyword phrase at least once in the sub headers.


Insert Keyword in Image Name and Alt Tag

Every post and page has an image. Use secondary keywords in the image name and alt tag to tell Google about your page’s content. The alt tag shows what the image is about in text form, if it fails to load in the browser.


Using Keyword in the Page/Post’s URL.

Insert the keywords in the URL of a webpage to make it keyword friendly for users and google. For example URLS such as www.websitedesign.com/1234-1 needs to be changed to www.websitedesign.com/web-designing-services


Link Internally

When talking about the best content, you need to link your posts internally to spread the link authority and juice. You can go back and edit the old posts to include links to the new content.


Use External link

Last but not the least, use external links for cementing your place as the best in Google. The external links tells Google about the quality of a post/page. Use social media to share as much as you can so that other people can also voluntarily link to it.



Use the above mentioned tips to make your content search engine friendly and to gain an instant increase in your site’s traffic. You can also hire the Medialinkers seo professionals to do the job for you.