4 Reasons Why WordPress is a Great Platform for Enterprises


WordPress empowering 25% of the sites in the world today, has come a long way to just being thought of a blogging platform. Yet there are concerns about the platform’s usage for enterprises based on a few reasons. The platform has always been a point of criticism in terms of scalability, reliability and general ease of use. The enterprise environments brings unique challenges to the table which in return exposes the underlying weaknesses in the software. This blog reviews the common objections associated with WordPress.

Open Source

WordPress is an open-source affair from the beginning and has stayed true to its principles over the years. The platform is also one of the high-profile open source projects in today’s world. There was a time when the open-source software has enterprise clients working for cover however those doubts are blown away by decades of solid performance by different projects such as Apache, Linux, Android among others without which the modern web cannot function.

It is also difficult to calculate the number of open-source adoptions across the enterprise, however a recent survey has seen 78% of respondents depending on open-source for the operational matters. 66% software is built on the open-source roots. Reality for the most firms is that the software is assessed on the wider merits whether it is proprietary or not. It is beneficial in that sense.

WordPress No Longer a Blogging Platform

WordPress originally being a blogging platform did a lot of damage to its enterprise level than other factors. Due to the nature of their work, enterprise companies are wrapped from the world at large. Due to the advancements in technology over the period of 5 years, WordPress has gained a lot of attention of the IT departments. Majority of the WordPress recent growth and maturity is around the small-to-medium business end of the spectrum, however it has proved itself to be much more than a blogging platform.

WordPress is backed by Enterprise-Level Company

WordPress has made a lot of progress due to the backing of the serious enterprise players. The company Automattic has grown steadily from a dispersed operation to a company with about 450 employees and a valuation north of $1 billion.

WordPress Security

Being a widely used software platform, WordPress is a big target for hackers for more than a decade. The road towards hardening the platform has been a bumpy one. There are a lot of concerns attached to it, but the recent versions have been made secure to deal with the ongoing security lapses and threats.

WordPress is being watched by 25 of the best in the business to eliminate all the risks that are attached to its security. This makes WordPress core secure, though the sue of plugins and themes will bring in some element of risk.  However, the companies can carry the burden themselves.


As WordPress continuously move towards its 50% market share, the widespread enterprise adoption will become a major part of its growth in the upcoming years.


You can always consult with the development team of Medialinkers, should you need any help fixing your WordPress business site.